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I'M sure you ARE askING yourself:
"What do i get by joining HYPNOSIS masters SUMMIT?"

Here is a short summary of what you get when you join Hypnosis Masters International Summit:

  • Learn from experts with over 40 years of practice and experience in the field of Hypnosis, personal development, therapy and self-help
  • You get access to experts who, put together, have impacted millions from around the world with their knoweledge and skills
  • You learn Hypnosis techniques to help yourself and/or your clients to heal and achieve new level of excellence and performance
  • You get access to amazing bonuses and special offers, available exclusively to those who sign up for Hypnosis Masters International Summit.
  • You you get access to a specialised community of like minded people who are, like you, eager to learn, grow and develop
  • You can interact and communicate and network with both your fellow students as well as some of the experts presenting in the summit
  • With the  Premium Pass you get access to all the video and audio recordings, bonuses, prizes and special offers, crafted to your needs.
  • With the  Premium Pass you get access to programs from our speakers, sponsors and partners as well as exclusive offers.

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 Hypnosis Masters - GRAND OPENING

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Hypnosis Masters Summit

Gearing up for an amazing 2021 Hypnosis Summit! We discuss all the administrative aspects, answer questions, reveal surprises and bonuses and special offers from Speakers, partners and organizers.


Michael Yapko - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hyposis Masters - United States

Michael Yapko PhD is an international trainer (more than 30 countries) in hypnosis and strategic approaches to psychotherapy.

He is the Director of The Milton H. Erickson Institute of San Diego.

Member, Board of Advisory Editors, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.

Member, Board of Editorial Consultants, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.

In this presentation, Michael Yapko will cover many topics and notions ahout hypnosis, from practices to taboos.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Foojan Zeine - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hyposis Masters - United States

Foojan Zeine PhD is a Marriage & Family Therapist and Founder of Awareness Integration Institute.

Dr. Foojan Zeine will present the Awareness Integration Model, a structured brief therapeutic approach that synthesizes numerous theories, resulting in higher self-esteem, releasing negative core beliefs and attached emotional charge, setting goals and action plans to reach the desired life results.

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Barry Neale - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Great Britain

Barry Neale is an NLP and Hypnosis Trainer and has been studying practicing and teaching them for over 40 years.

The one tactic that Barry uses that has the biggest impact is conversational state elicitation.... and knowing how to use it at the right time. Get this right and changework is a breeze!

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Victoria Gallagher - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hyposis Masters - United States

Victoria Gallgher is world's LOA Hypnotist (Law Of Attraction)  and hosts the popular podcast the Power of Your Mind.

For almost 25 years she has dedicate herself to helping others, empowering people all over the world to successfully live a life of liberty.

In her presentation, Victoria will show you how to get on the path to manifest your dreams and goals and speed up the manifesting process.

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Tim Box - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Great Britain

Tim Box  is a mind coach and remedial hypnotist who has successfully run a flourishing full time therapeutic practice for the last 12 years as well as spending three years as an associate of one of the top practices in London's Harley Street.

Come to Tim Box's presentation to find out why any particular method, language patterns or hypnotic techniques don't really matter to the change process and this will hopefully empower you to be a more confident and effective hypnotist.

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Hypnosis Masters Karen Hand
Hyposis Masters - United States

Karen Hand is a Board-Certified Hypnotist, Trainer, International Best-Selling Author and World-Class Communicator. She has helped thousands of people change for good. Karen is headquartered in Chicago and sees clients and trains globally via ZOOM.

Hypnosis and NLP are BS: predicated on the BELIEF SYSTEM of the giver and the receiver. People are flooded with suggestions all day. They take some and they reject others. It's constantly happening. And everyone goes in and out of trance all day...and all night...long.

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DAY 2 

Adriana James - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Australia

Dr. Adriana James is an NLP Master Trainer, Hypnosis Master Trainer, Time Line Therapy(R) Master Trainer and director of The Tad James Company.

In her presentation. Dr Adriana James will dive deep into what hypnosis is, and what is not and how you can use it with excellent results for yourself or when helping others!

Visit her Speaker Page for More Details.

Anil Thomas - Hypnosis Masters Summit
india flag

Anil Thomas is a Master NLP Practitioner and Gestalt Therapist and has been developing his skills for more than 10 years practicing and teaching in Russia, India, Australia, Hong Kong, USA and more.

Language shapes the way we feel, think and act and in this talk you get to understand how very subtle changes in the words we use, can create major changes in our lives.

Visit his Speaker Page for More Details.

Hypnosis Masters - Terrence McClendon
Hyposis Masters - United States

Terrence McClendon was born in the San Francisco Bay Area in California USA.
He spent four years in the United States Marine Corps, serving 13 months in Vietnam as a platoon radio operator. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) degree from The University of California Santa Cruz.
Beginning in 1972 he was associated with the lead developers of NLP in Santa Cruz California and participated in numerous core development workshops for a decade.

Visit his Speaker Page for More Details.

Doug O'Brien Hypnosis Masters
Hyposis Masters - United States

Doug O’Brien is internationally recognized as an expert in Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and The Havening Techniques®. He can show you how to use those powerful tools to overcome fears, reduce your stress, or create new positive habits.

In this presentation, Doug discusses what the Milton H. Erickson foundation have delineated as the six core competencies of Ericksonian Therapy and explains them with his characteristic clarity and humor.

Visit his Speaker Page for More Details.

Cesar Melo - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Brasil

Cesar Melo is a hypnotist and simultaneous interpreter specialized in hypnosis events and trainings.

He is self-taguth and speaks fluently five language and used self-hypnosis to achieve many of the results in his life.

In his presentation, he share how he uses Self Hypnosis for peak performance in an extremely mentaly demanding job: language interpretation.

Visit his Speaker Page for More Details.

Hypnosis Masters - Rex Sikes
Hyposis Masters - United States

Rex Steven Sikes, Author, Master Hypnotherapist Master Hypnotist Master Trainer NLP & DHE, has four decades experience helping thousands of people transform their minds and lives. His innovations include Mind Design™ and Directed Questions™.

In his presentation, he share the limits of hypnosis and how to improve your success ration. How to assist others in changing more easily and effortlessly.

Visit his Speaker Page for More Details.

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Marisa Peer - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Great Britain

Marisa Peer is the Creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy and Founder of the 'I Am Enough' Movement. Marisa has spent over three decades treating a client list that includes international superstars, CEOs, royalty and Olympic athletes.

In her presentation, Marisa will share her experience of over 34 years and teach how to always feel a wonderful sense of worthiness. And why that matters.

Visit Speaker's Page for More Details.

Sheila Granger - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Great Britain

Sheila Granger is a Professional Hypnotherapist and Earths best helper to hypnosis businesses. She is transformational leader in personal and business development, a multi-award winning hypnotherapist and business-owner.

In her presentation, Sheila will explain how embracing video can help you engage even faster with your clients, and making a massive decision to play to win, rather than playing not to lose!

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Kate Beaven - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Great Britain

Dr. Kate Beaven-Marks is Director of Hypnosis Courses dot com and HypnoTC: The Hypnotherapy Training Company.

This presentation will offer help and advice for hypnotherapists and students who are considering working online or would like to be even more success if they already do so.

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Alberto Del'Isola - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Brasil

Alberto Dell'Isola is Brazil's most recoginzed hypnoterapist with thousands of students on the entire South American continent. He is also the author of the book "Mentes Brilhantes" (Bright Minds) which is a number best seller in Brazil.

In his presentation, Alberto will share his secrets of building a huge Youtube channel which can help you grow your business and help more people.

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Selena D. Valentine - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hyposis Masters - United States

Selena D is an Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Virtual Summit Expert & Founder of HypnoBiz Convention. This presentation will teach you how you can earn more and work less by growing your business online and having a solid marketing strategy.

Visit Speaker's Page for More Details.

Helen Mitas - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Australia

Helen Mitas is Global Hypnosis Leader & Founder of  HypnoFit® - the World's FIRST and only global Hypnotherapy Clinic.

She is a mentor with over 3,000 Hypnotherapists from 15 countries who have undertaken her first-class HypnoFit® training.
In her presentation, Helen Mitas will show you how to thrive in today's world and be a successful coach or therapist using proven methods and systems.

Visit her Speaker's page for More Details.

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Igor Ledochowski - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Great Britain

Igor Ledochowski is the co-founder of the Hypnosis Training Academy and an internationally acclaimed Master Hypnotist & Trainer, an NLP Master Practitioner, and trainer, plus a certified success life coach.

As the  world’s leading authority on Conversational Hypnosis he will share his insights on this topic and how you can use it efficiently in your practice with your clients.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Dr. Kim Redman - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hyposis Masters - United States

Dr. Kim Redman is Visionary, Founder and CEO of Creatrix Go Quantum. 

Mystical Secrets of the Ancients are shared in this presentation that makes the connections between Sacred Geometry, Brain and Endocrine Function, Genius Consciousness and Psychic Skills.

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Hypnosis Masters Roy Hunter
Hyposis Masters - United States

Roy Hunter is a published author and hypnosis trainer recognized around the world. He was originally trained by Charles Tebbetts, the pioneer of parts therapy and a pioneer of client centered hypnotherapy, who asked Roy to continue his work. Roy’s highly praised text books are used at hypnosis schools around the world.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Kathy Welter - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hyposis Masters - United States

Kathy Welter has been practicing Hypnosis, NLP and Meditation practices for over 30 years. 

Together with her husband, Harry, they created the Mastery of Deep Trance States program which we have now taught all over the world.

In this presentation Kathy will take a deep dive into Hypnosis and the neuroscience of Deep Trance States.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Andrew Hahn - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hyposis Masters - United States

Andrew Hahn is licensed clinical psychologist and founder of Life Centered Therapy Training institute, a clinic training director and a professor into graduate programs in counseling psychology.

In his presentation, Andrew Hahn will talk about a new way of understanding, integrating and applying mindfulness, somatics, and hypnosis to heal trauma without retraumatizing.

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Ines Simpson - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Canada

Ines Simpson is a Hypnotist and Hypnosis Trainer and creator of the Simpson Protocol, a way to communicate with people who are in a deep hypnotic trance.

In this presentation, Ines Simpson will explain and demonstrate the Simpson Protocol and you get to see it at work with a client.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

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Freddy Jacquin - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Great Britain

Freddy Jacquin is BSc Hypnotherapist, CEO of the Jacquin Hypnosis Academy, Author and creator of the Arrow Technique.

Freddy has personally helped over 35,000 Hypnotherapy clients since 1999 and is also an author and creator of the Arrow Technique.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Bob Burns - Hypnosis Masters Summit
scotland flag

Bob Burns is one of the most renowned hypnotherapists from Scotland, creator of famous The Swan Technique.

He has tremenduous experience in working with groups and in this presentation he will teach his best tips and tricks to achieve excellent results when doing public presentations.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Antony Reed - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hyposis Masters - United States

Antony Reed is a hypnotist, NLP practitioner and is the founder of both Brain Spanking Media & Life Change Academy. He has created over 300+ hypnosis and affirmations recordings and videos, and together with his wife Carol Ann, he runs multiple YouTube channels, all while homeschooling their young son.

Learn from Antony what equipment & software you'll need, best practices for making quality recordings and tricks to be sure your final products are top-notch!

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Hypnosis Masters - Mike Mandel
Hypnosis Masters - Canada

Mike’s decades of experience with stage hypnosis, forensic hypnosis and hypnotherapy give his students a solid foundation in principles, not scripts.

Ego States or subpersonalities are fundamental to making lasting change. In this session we will discuss how they operate and how to make friends with them too. As humans, we are digital, and only one personality can be "executive" at any time.

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Karl Smith - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Great Britain

Karl Smith is ex-military, ex-police. He has served 12 Years in the British Army, 12 Years Police Firearms Officer in the UK Police and now a Hypnotist that specialises in Post Trauma.

In his presentation Karl Smith offers a clear understanding of working with trauma, Content free Hypnosis techniques and Confidence.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Terrence McIvor - Hypnosis Masters Summit
ireland flag
Terrence McIvor is a Transformative Hypnotherapist & Coach, Executive writer for Brainz Magazine and creator of the S.M.A.R.T.T technique which enables others to achieve a more positive, confident and productive life.

In his presentation, Terrence will explain his S.M.A.R.T.T technique and you get to learn how to use and apply it.

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Jame Elliot
James Elliot is Trainer (and master trainer apprentice) of NLP, Timeline Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Coaching and The Power Process. He has been through his own struggles, including losing 60lbs, digestive issues, depression, high anxiety, bullying, feeling like he wasn't wasn't good enough, relationship problems and struggles early on with his career and business.
He will share one of his best techniques to Remove Fear, Worry, Anxiety, Negative emotions and even pain easily & on the fly!

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

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Hypnosis Masters Richard Barker
Hypnosis Masters - Great Britain

Richard Barker the Incredible Hypnotist is a World Renowned Professional Hypnotist. He has spent the last 20 years working with thousands of clients across the world. His charm with experience gives him the ability to dazzle and entertain any size of audience as well as improve the lives of many through Hypnosis and Private Consultation. Richard Barker works with individuals and teams helping their performance whether athletically or in a business setting. Richard’s amazing stage show is also a massive hit and has been produced in 38 Countries. He is as headline performer for Celebrity and Carnival Cruise Lines as well as large corporations. Hypnotist Richard Barker has been seen recently on CBS, NBC, FOX and ABC Networks and is constantly a spokesperson for Hypnosis.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Tommy Vee - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hyposis Masters - United States

Tommy Vee is Hypnotist Extraordinaire with over 30 years of experience in doing stage hypnosis.

He is a Certified Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists, instructor with the Ultimate Stage Hypnosis Seminar and was nominated for stage excellence at the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame.

In his presentation Tommy will lay out all about how to do a stage hypnosis show. Learn the parts of every show and how to "wow" your audiences every time.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Anthony Galie Hypnosis Masters
Hyposis Masters - United States

Anthony Galie is President of Anthony Galie Seminars and also an internationally known Speaker for over 40 years. As an author, speaker, and trained psychotherapist, Anthony has studied the secrets of top performers in every field.

From his presentation, you will find out how to form a brand and how to make your presentation appeal to companies as opposed to audiences.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Michael C Anthony Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hyposis Masters - United States

Michael C. Anthony is considered by many to be the best Stage Hypnotist in the world. He has performed around the world for 28 years and is the founder of Stage Hypnosis University. Michael is a certified NLP Practitioner, a certified Ericksonian Hypnotist and certified Master Hypnotist.

This incredible presentation will teach you how to build a Stage Hypnosis Show piece by piece. Michael will be showing live, recorded footage from his successful Stage Hypnosis show called Hypnotized Live.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Sean Michael Andrews Hypnosis Masters
Hyposis Masters - United States

Sean Michael Andrews is a Certified Hypnotist and a Certified Instructor of Hypnosis, a Master Practitioner of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) and one of the few Practitioners who has trained with both co-developers of NLP.
Come explore with Sean the "useful fibs," where they come from, and why we use them.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Sam Jolen - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Brasil

Sam Jolen is one of the most sought after NLP and Hypnosis Trainers from Brasil.

He has been teaching NLP and Hypnosis classes for nearly 20 years and has is the owne of Elsever Institute in Brazil.

In his presentation, Sam will show how to effectively communicate with the Unconscious Mind and achieve fast and lasting results.

You will learn the steps to succeeding in the field of human development.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

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Steve G Jones - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hyposis Masters - United States

Dr. Steve G. Jones is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who has been practicing hypnotherapy since the 1980s.

He is the author of 25 books on such topics as hypnosis, the law of attraction and weight loss and creator of 22 different online certification programs, which are sold in over 140 countries.

Dr. Steve will talk about the benefits of hypnosis and how it can be used to improve one's life.

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Rob de Groof - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Belgium Flag

Rob de Groof is owner of European Hypnosis Academy and runs one of the biggest hypnotherapy businesses in Europe. At the moment he has hypnosis centers in 3 different cities in Belgium with a team of 10 hypnotherapists.

IN his presentation, Rob will teach two Fast & Powerful Inductions: Rob's Flip Flop Induction and The Elbow Surprise Induction.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Anthony Jacquin - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Great Britain

Anthony Jacquin is one of the most renowned hypnotists and mentalists from the UK with a vast experience in working with people both on stage and in the therapy room. His is the author of the book Reality is Plastic and the Un-Convention and together with Anthony Jacquin, runs the Jacquin Hypnosis Academy.

In his talk, Anthony will share his way of doing self-hypnosis and the fantastic results he gets with it.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Hypnosis Masters Liza Boubari
Hyposis Masters - United States

Liza’s knowledge of the corporate world is due to years of experience in law offices as a paralegal and legal assistant. It was her own powerful healing experience through hypnotherapy that led her to this science. Changing course, she chose this path to help others heal. In 1999 she founded HealWithin, Inc., a Healing Center for Mind-Body Therapy and has been growing since.

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Jorgen Rasmussen - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Norway flag

Jørgen Rasmussen is the Creator Of The Psychological Illusion Model and author of Provocative Hypnosis. He has been practicing hypnosis for over 25 years and is an international trainer and speaker.

Jørgen's presentation is both a process and an experience. Something you really have to experience for yourself.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.

Eugen Popa - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Romania

Some call them parts, other call them internal system while other call them Resources.

Even though the label is different, the concept is the same: We are the sum of our facets, of our parts or resources or aspects of personality. In this presentation you will learn a practical method to Identify and Connect with and Utilize your Inner Resources.

Visit Speaker's page for More Details.


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Do you want to Learn Hypnosis from 40 Experienced Trainers from around the world?

These sessions will help you improve and transform your life. You can use them for yourself or to help your friends, family and clients.

Join this event and Learn from the Best!

Here is how Hypnosis MASTERS Summit 

will improve your Personal and Professional Life

You have the UNIQUE chance to learn Hypnosis from some of the most experienced

Hypnosis Trainers from around the world. 

Think of it like an Hypnosis Master Course, taught by 40 teachers and trainers. You learn hypnosis techniques, methods, strategies, both from trainers with extensive experience in hypnosis as well as new experts who are blazing new trails of personal development and therapy using Hypnosis. Learn, apply, transform and enjoy the changes you are creating.

Learn from the Safety of your Home! All you need is access to Internet and a device to connect. You can watch from you phone, tablet or Computer.

Save time, energy and money while learning from the safety of your own home. You don't have to waste time and money with traveling. You can enjoy learning and growing right where you are. Access all the LIVE presentations and recordings and Save thousands of dollars/euros.

World Class Information

2021 Hypnosis Masters  Summit brings you very valuable and practical information which you can apply immediately so you can start affecting change. These techniques and methods can be used for you own benefit or to help others, such as your clients, patients or friends.

Get Access to Special Bonuses and Prizes

When you join us at the Hypnosis Masters Summit you have the chance to access some amazing bonuses and special offers from our speakers, as well as from organizers and our partners. These will be your to enjoy and use for the rest of your life! Don't let this chance pass...

Do You Want Lifetime Access to Everything from this Summit?

Hypnosis Classes with International Experts

Choose how you want to learn and enrich your life:

The long and expensive path

  • Usually, to get access to these experts and their information, would cost you thousands of dollars. The cost is not only money, but also time, as you have to dedicate years to study on your own and discover the same information. Moreover, you could run into all kind of "experts" that have only read 2-3 books and then started posting online. I don't think you would want to invest that much time and money... am I correct?

The short and safe path

  • You can join the Hypnosis MASTERS Summit  right now and learn from internationally renowned specialists. Some of the speakers from this summit are actually the creators of the techniques that any Hypnosis Practitioner learns in courses! Now it's the time to enjoy the chance of learning directly from their creators at a minimum price. Don't miss this chance and subscribe right now. Maybe this is your one and only opportunity! Don't miss it.

Enjoy this Unique Chance of learning from some of the best specialists in hypnotherapists in the world!


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Your CHANCE to learn from decades of experience from some of the best Hypnosis trainers in the world today!

These experts are here to FREELY offer you their knowledge, time, experience, and expertise  so YOU can Learn, Grow and Share. Sign up right now, FOR FREE and transform your life and the life of those you help!

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