Using The Simpson Protocol

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Ines Simpson - Hypnosis Masters Summit
Hypnosis Masters - Canada

Ines Simpson is a Hypnotist and Hypnosis Trainer and creator of the Simpson Protocol, a way to communicate with people who are in a deep hypnotic trance.
In this presentation, Ines Simpson will explain and demonstrate the Simpson Protocol and you get to see it at work with a client.

The Simpson Protocol is the only way known today to effectively communicate with hypnosis clients in the Esdaile State and beyond. For the first time, the hypnotist can converse with the client’s deepest mind to learn what the true issues are and to direct it to do what is needed to achieve the best results possible. The Esdaile State is also the launching pad into higher and deeper states of hypnosis.

Ines continues to this day to teach as well as study to add to her expansive and always growing knowledge of the Art and Science of Hypnosis.

By using Simpson Protocol Hypnosis - you allow more profound outcomes for your clients.
Simpson Protocol is a Holistic process - that is it covers EVERY aspect of the issues the client brings - not just the obvious symptoms.

Its an easy process for the clients - they don't even have to tell you the 'issue'.
They don't have to 'relive' any strong emotions, they experience as much or as little as is needed to create the outcome. As their 'Higher Mind'; is engage in creating change they feel they can just sit back and let things happen - there is no need for them to engage (they feel).

The Hypnotist using Simpson Protocol - needs no judgment , or even knowledge of what the issue they are dealing with is.

The hypnotists in Simpson Protocol is mere a facilitator, a guide and support system for the client's process.
Simpson Protocol can be used to create change in any issue, and every issue that is brought to the Hypnotist . SP ( Simpson Protocol) works at a very deep level with the Client's own Higher Mind- and so any issue that is attached to the Mind can be worked with ( and everything is attached to the Mind).

Using Simpson Protocol is less stressful for the Client and the Hypnotist - as neither are doing the work at the conscious level. making Hypnosis Simpler, Easier, Flexible, creating profound outcomes , and being able to continually develop and expand the Protocol to suit their practice.

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